Great web site to find a variety of facts about many different
Excellent web site that is updated regularly with news. It
also houses some very important and interesting historical
information relating to religious issues, as well as an excellent
section on Hitler and Nazi Germany.
The official web site of American Atheists, the most active
atheist organization in the United States, and the hosts of the
Godless Americans march on Washington DC on November 2nd, 2002.
Web site devoted to the Godless Americans march on Washington DC.
Greenpeace is a world famous activist group that champions a
variety of causes related to social peace as well as environmental
issues and issues of humane treatment of people and animals.
Atheists for Peace does not fully endorse Greenpeace and all of
their initiatives.
The Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting web site. FAIR
tracks media reports and checks them for errors and bias. FAIR
is action oriented and requires the support of citizens to assist in
the task of monitoring the media.
The web site for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. You
will notice that the AFP logo resembles the CDN logo. The AFP
logo is an altered design of the CDN logo. The CDN is an
action oriented group based in the United Kingdom that promotes the
disarmament of nuclear weapons.
The Bible Gateway is an excellent resource for looking up
passages of the Bible quickly and easily.
The Library of Economics and Liberty is a resource for
information on economics, both historical and present.
This library is the most complete on-line source for documents
written by William E. Dodd, the US Ambassador to Germany prior to
World War II. The information contained in his writings is
extremely important in understanding the relationships between the
US and Nazi Germany, as well as conditions in Germany leading up to
the war. Dodd also provides valuable insight into early American
history and the establishment of power structures that gave rise to
families of wealth in pre-Civil War America. This site is highly
recommended for any avid historian.
Web site that documents the history of the peace sign.
Home of the "Grandfather Economic Report" this site
does detail American debt and economic issues in detail with many
references. Atheists for Peace does not support all of the
conclusions drawn from the data by Michael Hodges, but does congratulate
him and this site for the service that they provide in the display
and analysis of this important economic data.
The "Big Issues Ground" presented by Thomas Ash covers
a wide variety of important topics, including religion, politics,
economics and more. The site does a good job at presenting a
variety of views on these topics.
This site covers the darker side of American policy. The
site documents the history of military action by the US government,
and covers a variety of misconceptions about American history.
This is an excellent site that deals strictly with the evaluation
of propaganda, and houses a historical library of propaganda as well
as evaluations of propaganda in the present day.
This is an image gallery, perhaps the most complete image gallery
on the internet, of mushroom clouds. The site documents
nuclear tests done by governments around the world.
The Consortium News is a liberal new outlet that critiques modern
conservative media and policy.
The Green Party supported Ralph Nadar in the 2002 Presidential
campaign. They are a grass roots based political party
who describes themselves as: "We are grassroots activists,
environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent
resisters and regular citizens who've had enough of
corporate-dominated politics"
Open Secrets tracks campaign finance information for all
political candidates, as well as covering many other economic and
political issues. The web site is very detailed, well
documented, and has excellent content.
The Henry L. Stimson Center is a well developed non-profit
organization devoted to promoting world peace and is active in
nonproliferation of Chemical and Biological weapons campaigns.
The Federation of American Scientists is an organization of
American scientists that deals largely in in arms control and
monitoring issues.
Move On is a politically active grassroots organization that opposes
corporatism and big money politics.
A great resource of historical information about atheists,
agnostics, freethingkers and information about the American Founding
A group that is tryign to put together an international weapons
inspection team to inspect teh United States for weapons of mass
destruction. |